Discomfort is Temporary, but Contribution Lasts

Message/Experiment of the Week:

When was the last time you did something uncomfortable in order to make a positive contribution? Recently, Jen Gottlieb gave a speech about how discomfort is temporary, and contribution lasts. She shared that when she gets into bed at night, she isn’t focused on the discomforts she faced throughout the day, but rather the contributions she made.

Night goes with day, problems go with solutions, losing goes with winning, failure goes with success, winter goes with spring, discomfort goes with growth and contribution… Remember that discomfort is temporary, but growth and contribution last and bring long-term joy and happiness.

For an experiment this week, focus on doing one thing each day that is uncomfortable that will make your life or someone else’s life better. It could be a simple as picking up a piece of trash along the way.

Quotes of the Week:

  • "If you want to hit the game-winning home run, you need to be willing to strike out in the same batter’s box.” ―Attributed to Derek Jeter

  • “Suffering = Pain x Resistance.” ―Kristin Neff, in her book Self-Compassion

Video of the Week:

Discomfort is Only Temporary! | Jem Gottlieb

Song of the Week:

Leanna Crawford - Vow To Be Yours

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