Ignored and Abandoned

Message/Experiment of the Week:

Do you fear being ignored or abandoned? The videos below show that from our earliest days as babies we experience great stress and discomfort when we fear we are being ignored or abandoned. However, we can all choose to truly see ourselves and others with love and acceptance.

For an experiment this week, look yourself and others deep in the eyes with love and acceptance and see what happens.

Quote of the Week:

  • "We all need what this baby needs. To be seen. To be valued. To be loved. Can you imagine yourself refusing to acknowledge the existence of this baby right in front of you? What feelings would it stir up in you to ignore this sweet, precious soul? You could probably never imagine doing something like this intentionally. It’s also painful to imagine yourself in the baby’s position, longing to be seen, loved, and reassured of their existence and safety, and the fear that emerges when that attention is denied. Yet, are you treating your own soul this way every single day?" ―Jamie Kern Lima, from her new book Worthy 

Videos of the Week:

Disconnection and the Still Face Paradigm

The “Still Face” Experiment

You Can Heal Your Heart: Healing with Mirror Work

Song of the Week:

Zachary Knowles - slow summer (Lyrics)

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