Smart Consistent Action

Message/Experiment of the Week:

Are you taking smart consistent action towards your goals and dreams? If you want to achieve something quickly look for ways to take smart consistent action. One way to make your action smart is to look at what successful people have done in a similar circumstance and copy them. By consistently doing what successful people have done there is a good chance you will achieve a similar result.

As Seth Godin points out in the quote section below, there are all kinds of good models to follow. The key is having the willingness to say “go,” and then stick with it.

For an experiment this week, pick one thing you really want to accomplish, find a model for successfully achieving it, say “go” and stick with it.

Quote of the Week:

  • “There are plenty of good ideas, easy to learn from and copy.

    There are countless projects, well executed, with the steps on display.

    Any entrepreneur could find a local business and bring a version of it from over here to over there.

    And a social change maker could find a successful non profit and simply follow the playbook.

    None of this is enough.

    The scarce piece is the willingness to say, ‘go.’

    To sign up and to stick with it.

    To hope, to dream, to push through the dip and most of all, take responsibility.

    It’s not as risky as it seems, but it’s difficult.” — Seth Godin

Videos of the Week:

Small Consistent Actions | Sam Demma

How to Be More DISCIPLINED - 6 Ways to Master Self Control

How To Be Incredibly Consistent

Song of the Week:

Little Voice (Sara Bareilles) | One Voice Children’s Choir

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