Time Billionaires

Message/Experiment of the Week:

Did you realize that most of us are time billionaires? The average person in the USA who lives to 77.5 years old will live roughly 2.5 billion seconds. If you live those seconds to your fullest, you will have a truly amazing life. (Random note…. If it took one second to count each person on earth, you could count almost a third of the earth’s population in your lifetime.😃)

For an experiment this week, look at where you are spending your seconds. Are there any areas where you are spending seconds that you shouldn’t be? If so, stop wasting those seconds. Also, are there areas where you should be spending seconds that you aren’t? If so, start spending seconds in those areas.

Quotes of the Week:

  • "One million seconds is roughly 11 days. One billion seconds is roughly 32 years. One trillion seconds is roughly 32,000 years.”

  • “I was thinking of time billionaires that when I see, sometimes, 20-year-olds – the thought I had was they probably have two billion seconds left. But they aren’t relating to themselves as time billionaires. And I was thinking about how if you could – what would Rupert Murdoch, who’s worth $20 billion – he’s 87 years old. What would he pay if he could take the next five years of someone’s 20-year-old healthy body, mind, etc.? And for that 20-year-old, how would they price it? Because I was thinking at various points of my career, I might have sold the next five years for something.

    And over time, my pricing has gone vertical because the next five years, if I were to lose – and the key to this question is that you can’t sell the five at the end of your life. You gotta sell them right now. I don’t know how I’d price it because my kids are of a certain age that they’ll never be again. But I don’t know that I live every day that way. But I aspire to. So I was trying to capture – I heard Tim Urban on your podcast. And I started reading his stuff. And I find his writing style and the topics he is interested in just amazing. He has this concept of life calendar. And I bought his life calendar. He sells it as a poster. And what he does is he puts a week – he does a circle for each week. So he has 52 circles on the horizontal and then 90 rows so that you can see a 90-year life in weeks. And what’s startling about the picture – again, to this question of how long is a billion seconds – is how short it actually is.

    And so what I did is I went through, and I put where I am right now. And I started filling in the circles as I go. And I put where my eldest daughter goes to college. I put when my dad is going to be 90. And I was actually thinking a good product, if there are any graphic designers out there, would be to partner with Tim and allow you to create a huge poster and select a photo for each week and then – because it’s such a graphical representation of your life in a way that’s hard to convey in words sometimes. So I’ve just been thinking a lot about time and how you live. There’s a quote I like that we’re all very focused on the length of our life. How do you appreciate the width of it as you’re going along? And somehow, keeping that in your consciousness –” Graham Duncan on the Tim Ferriss Show Podcast: The Tim Ferriss Show Transcripts: Graham Duncan (#362) - The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss

Video of the Week:

Tim Ferriss: 17 Questions That Changed My Life

Song of the Week:

This 6 year-old girl almost made me cry - Emilio Piano, Let It Go from the Warsaw Airport

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